Codependency and Power Struggles in Relationships (download)


Digital guided meditation audio for Breaking Codependency and freeing yourself from addictive relationships – personal and workplace! Includes mp3 with the guided meditation for the original CD.



Do you feel you’re caught in a relationship that seems locked in power struggles, crises, and repeated unhappiness?  Do you feel increasingly worn down, even broken within your own sense of self?  Do you feel you lack the sheer strength to break away?  Then this guided meditation/hypnosis audio is for you.

This codependency can be broken at a core level through this powerful self-healing and empowerment guided meditation and hypnosis audio. Take back yourself, your life, and your own indestructible wise spirit for recovery.  The powerful suggestions, planted deep in your subconscious while in a relaxed, spiritually supported state of being, fuel insight, build self-esteem, and guide you to end a relationship that doesn’t serve yours or the other person’s greater  good.


File format: mp3

Duration: 27:44



About the Author

Marjorie Baker Price is a psychiatric and community health nurse, author, coach, trainer, certified hypnotherapist, intuitive/spiritual counselor, shamanic healer and Reiki Master based in Rochester, NY.

In 1987,  she founded Centering Tools for Self-Healing and Development, a holistic healing and counseling practice that specializes in meditation and visualization practices, journaling, energy healing, empowerment and wellness coaching, women’s spirituality, grief and recovery therapies, inner child work, dream therapy, motivational and goal achievement including unleashing creative potential and spiritual development classes.

Her focus is to support individual and community wellness transformation through self-help practices that are uniquely shaped to meet individual and community needs and support corresponding development. She works with children and adults, and presents numerous workshops on a variety of related topics.

In 2008 she founded Centering for Wellness, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, whose mission is to offer transformational wellness educational programs to at-risk populations. health care providers, the general public, and as part of corporate wellness initiatives.

Marjorie has created multiple intuitive and lifestyle balancing courses, and self-healing and empowerment guided meditation and hypnosis audios.

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