
Shamanism: Shamanic journeying guided meditation set

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Shamanic journeying guided meditation

You can experience the way of the shaman, or ancient healer, who can easily travel from the physical to the spiritual realms to experience the path of spiritual power and transformation to heal, develop and create miracles. Through this two-part guided meditation and hypnosis audio with special drumming, you will explore the upper and lower spirit worlds, where you will receive great gifts of healing and empowerment through meeting your animal and angel guides. You will know yourself as a spiritual being of greater consciousness and uncover, as you explore, your higher purpose in the world.

In track one, “Shamanism: Healing Through the Lower Spirit World”, you will travel to the lower spirit world, and wonderfully access animal guides who will take you into what unfolds as a waking dream that will easily translate into higher guidance and key transformation. In track two, “Shamanism: Development through the Upper Spirit World”, you will travel to the higher spirit world, where you will meet angels and other higher beings who can open infinite pathways of unique spiritual empowerment and development.

The Lower and Upper spirit worlds were understood to be equally miraculous realms, where the shaman could effect much greater results beyond the scope of possibility that existed in the physical realm. You will experience the path of spiritual power and transformation to heal, develop and create your hearts desires.



Shamanic guided meditation, also known as a shamanic journey, is a healing practice that involves connecting with spirits for guidance and healing. It’s a meditative practice that’s often accessed through visualization and rhythmic drumming.

Here are some things to know about shamanic guided meditation:

Connection with spirits
Shamanic journeys involve connecting with spirits such as ancestors, elders, gods, goddesses, spirit guides, power animals, and angels.

Altered state of consciousness
The repetitive drumming helps practitioners enter a trancelike state.

Connection with a guide
During a shamanic journey, practitioners connect with a guide, which can be a light, deity, animal, or aspect of the earth.

Insight into the self
Shamanic journeys can provide insight into the nature of the self at a soul level.

Shamanic journeys can help heal the mind, deal with stress, and understand the world.

Shamanism is the oldest known spiritual practice, originating over 100,000 years ago. It’s based on the belief that the visible world is filled with spirit forces.